Category: Anti-Racism

  • DSA Eugene Statement on Cuba

    Eugene Democratic Socialists of America stands in solidarity with the working class of Cuba and demand an end to the cruel, unjust sanctions and blockade. Sanctions never hurt the ruling class. Instead, the working class are forced to endure the brunt of the endless siege. Eugene DSA recognizes the hypocrisy of the United States government…

  • Statement on Anti-Racism

    Eugene DSA stands against the ongoing legacy of white-supremacy entrenched in our society. As Ibram X. Kendi expertly pointed out, racism and capitalism are “conjoined twins.” Thus, we recognize that to challenge capitalism and build working class power, we must directly confront and combat racism. We acknowledge the broad reaches of the history of colonialism…

  • Statement in Support of Occupy ICE

    We, the members of Eugene DSA, proclaim our support for the goals and actions of Occupy ICE PDX. This direct action to blockade ICE’s prison in Portland highlights the contradiction that the City of Portland and the State of Oregon claim to support undocumented immigrants, while they allow ICE to conduct human rights abuses within…